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  •   Fraud

  Feature Sheet

Case Management

Improving the effectiveness of investigations is critical to successfully understanding and preventing financial crime. Verafin includes a fully-integrated Case Management functionality, which lets you create... 


Synthetic Identity Fraud

How are synthetic identities created and exploited in financial institutions? Highlights:  Identity Fraud and SSN Hackers and Data Breaches Synthetic Identity Fraud How Financial Institutions... 

  Archived Webinar

ACAMS Webinar: Crime Rings Have Grown to a Prevalent and Formidable Threat

Originally Presented: November 6, 2015

“VERY impressive. Lots of great information by presenters with great skills. This presentation ranks as one of the best presentations I have attended in 2015!”... 


Anatomy of a Million Dollar Crime Ring

Highlights: How much can a crime ring generate in illicit funds? What types of fraudulent activities are funding crime rings? Are risky entities using identity... 


Red Flags for New Account Fraud

Criminals are finding new ways to perpetrate fraud through new accounts, including the use of stolen or synthetic identities. This infographic highlights the challenges of... 

  Dummies eBook

Suspicious Activity Reporting for Dummies®

Suspicious Activity Reporting for Dummies® walks you through the process of filling out your SAR accurately and efficiently and offers tips on how to spot... 

  Dummies eBook

FRAML for Dummies®

Improve the effectiveness of your institution’s response to financial crime. FRAML is the combination of fraud detection and anti-money laundering (AML) efforts (FRaud detection +... 

  White Paper

Fraud And Money Laundering: Birds of a Feather

Siloed thinking can harm your ability to prevent crime. By exploring the combination of fraud and AML, you can improve your detection abilities and ultimately... 

  Archived Webinar

ACAMS Webinar: The Rise of Organized Financial Crime: The New Mafia

Originally Presented: April 30, 2013

This session provides a revealing ‘walk-through’ of the inner workings of today’s organized financial crime enterprise. It illustrates how these virtual, viral and technologically-savvy organizations... 

  Archived Webinar

An Intricate Look Into The World of Organized Fraud Rings

Originally Presented: March 28, 2013

This webinar reveals the sophisticated modus operandi of today’s organized fraud rings and illustrates why it is essential for financial institutions to intensify their fraud...