Case StudyOnline Romance, Real ConsequencesScammers will use any method possible to defraud their victims – including exploiting their emotions and trust. In this anonymized Case Study from the Verafin... |
Case StudyCloud Evidence Crucial Against Business Email Compromise ScamAuthorized Push Payment scams are a prevalent threat in the financial industry as criminals seek to manipulate your customers for their gain. In this anonymized... |
Case StudyFighting Corporate CrimeFraudsters will exploit every opportunity for their gain, including targeting corporate customers through elaborate wire fraud scams, deception, and manipulative tactics. In this anonymized case... |
Case StudyEnsuring a Sunny TomorrowAs financial institutions implement more robust controls against schemes such as wire fraud, criminals respond by evolving their tactics and increasing efforts against more vulnerable... |
Case StudyHalting the Cost of CompromiseIn recent years, Verafin has observed a significant increase in wire and Authorized Push Payment (APP) fraud across the industry, including cases of Business Email... |
Case StudyStolen SavingsFraudsters are constantly evolving their tactics to capitalize on changing payments technologies and target unwitting victims. In a recent scam recognized by the FBI’s Internet... |
Case StudyCombating Fraud in Real-TimeUnited Bank • Location: Fairfax, VA Assets: $29B • Core Banking System: FIS – IBS Wire fraud is a persistent challenge in the financial industry.... |
Case StudyEvolving with the TimesCity National Bank & Trust • Location: Lawton, Oklahoma Assets: $448M • Core Banking System: Jack Henry – SilverLake System “Financial crimes have gone digital,... |
Case StudyInvesting in the FutureA Southwestern United States Credit Union Assets: $5B-9B • Core Banking System: Jack Henry – Symitar Episys “This past year, with Verafin’s support, we identified... |
Case StudyUnited Community Bank prepares for tomorrow and prevents more than $1M in fraud losses, today.United Community Bank • Location: Blairsville, GA Assets: $19B • Core Banking System: Fiserv – Premier “In less than two months there’s been a clear... |