
High-Risk Customer Surveillance

High-Risk Customer Surveillance

Targeted, ongoing monitoring of high-risk customers for risk factors and unusual activity.

Are you seeing the full picture of your high-risk customers?

Required ongoing surveillance of your high-risk customers can be a challenging and often manual process, with unusual activity often uncovered through general anti-money laundering (AML) transaction monitoring. By analyzing all customers for risk factors, these first-generation approaches generate large volumes of false positives, creating unnecessary due diligence tasks, and costing valuable time.

Nasdaq Verafin’s targeted analytics provide your institution with powerful ongoing surveillance of high-risk customer accounts plus behavior-based surveillance agents to monitor for changes in activity within specific high-risk categories. By tailoring analysis to the risk factors posed by specific categories, Nasdaq Verafin improves the quality — and reduces the volume — of alerts for high-risk customers. Nasdaq Verafin’s analytics utilize information from across the Cloud environment to intelligently evolve based on peer data, and alert you to activity that may indicate that additional scrutiny or adjustments to risk profiles are needed. If a customer demonstrates unusual or risky activity, their risk level is automatically updated; you do not have to wait for a scheduled review to see this change in behavior and react to it.



Nasdaq Verafin’s targeted analytics monitor the activity of customers in each category for specific risk factors, and alert investigators when additional scrutiny may be necessary. When new risk factors are added to a customer profile, Nasdaq Verafin automatically adjusts the risk score based on your configurable risk agents.


Ongoing high-risk customer surveillance in Nasdaq Verafin enhances AML transaction monitoring to alert investigators to customers that may require further scrutiny throughout their customer lifecycle.


Targeted agents for high-risk customers continuously look for risk factors for their particular category, ensuring that as customers’ activities, products, or services change, investigators can update their risk profile.


Surveillance of high-risk customers can help protect your institution from the risk of suspicious activity and money laundering by alerting you to higher-risk or out-of-pattern activity for those customers.


Nasdaq Verafin’s enhanced due diligence (EDD) workflows integrate seamlessly with ongoing high-risk customer surveillance to ensure you are reviewing the right customers at the right time. You can establish review dates based on your institution’s policies, receive email reminders, assign tasks to other users, and attach relevant findings and documentation — all within Nasdaq Verafin.


Stay compliant as customer activity changes

Risk does not end at account opening. Customers’ activities and services can change over time, and continuous monitoring is a requirement of your customer due diligence (CDD) process.

Ongoing targeted surveillance monitors for the behavior and activity of your institution’s high-risk customers, alerting investigators to customers that may require EDD.

Reduce time spent on reviews

A one-size-fits-all approach to risk can lead to too many high-risk customers. With EDD processes largely disconnected and manual, the result is an inefficient, ineffective and costly CDD program.

Nasdaq Verafin streamlines your high-risk customer management process with automated EDD workflows and targeted surveillance of those customers based upon the actual risk that they pose to your institution. By continuously monitoring your high-risk customers for changes in activity, Nasdaq Verafin reduces the time spent on tedious and repetitive due diligence tasks and expedites the review process.

Automate changes to risk assessment and policy

Maintaining an accurate risk profile is critical to a strong program. Manual processes make it challenging to ensure that your customer-risk profiles are up to date and in line with your institution’s risk profile.

Nasdaq Verafin’s ongoing monitoring detects changes in risk factors, alerts you to activity that may impact risk profiles, and automatically adjusts customer-risk score according to your compliance policies. As risk is monitored and updated, your customer reviews are automatically adjusted according to your configured policies — ensuring you are reviewing the right customers at the right time.

Ensure nothing is overlooked

Casting a wide net does not enable an efficient, risk-based approach to AML, nor is it effective in identifying truly suspicious activity.

Nasdaq Verafin’s targeted surveillance of high-risk customers can help protect your institution from the risk of suspicious activity and money laundering by alerting you to higher-risk or out-of-pattern activity for those customers that pose the greatest risk to your institution.

More Nasdaq Verafin Features

High-Risk Customer Segmentation. From an integrated Account Opening Questionnaire to continuously monitoring your existing customer base with intelligent segmentation analytics, Nasdaq Verafin’s High-Risk Customer Management solution automates identification of customers and segments them into high-risk categories. Learn more >
Risk Stratification. Nasdaq Verafin’s high-risk management approach allows you to define what risk means to you, and stratifies risk within high-risk categories, such as Money Services Businesses, Private ATM Owners, and Marijuana-Related Businesses. This ensures you are reviewing the right customers at the right time, saving time and effort, and providing greater visibility to examiners. Learn more >
EDD Reviews. Nasdaq Verafin’s automated EDD solution is a centralized workflow for reviews that integrates in a continuous loop with customer risk and targeted surveillance. The output of the EDD review process dynamically impacts customer risk to ensure an accurate risk score and efficient due diligence process. Learn more >
Anti-Money Laundering. Nasdaq Verafin alerts you to a wide range of potentially suspicious customer activity occurring across multiple transaction channels. From unusual flow of funds to human trafficking and terrorist financing activity, Nasdaq Verafin’s risk-rated AML alerts ensure criminals are not preying on your institution. Learn more >

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