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Fact Sheet

Verafin Helps Top Institution Prevent $9.6M in Potential Fraud Losses

Financial institutions need solutions that keep pace with evolving payments fraud schemes. A financial institution in the top 25 of U.S. financial holding companies who sought... 

Fact Sheet

A Complete View of Payments Risk

As fraudsters target your customers with lucrative payments scams, complete insight into payee and payor risk is essential. Learn how Verafin leverages consortium analytics and... 

Fact Sheet

Why Choose Verafin

From investigators and senior management, to deposit operations, collections and front-line staff — Verafin can help all areas of your institution combat financial crime. With... 

Fact Sheet

Safe and Secure in the Verafin Cloud

Security in the Verafin Cloud The Verafin Cloud is a secure infrastructure for data storage and analysis, which provides convenient, on-demand access to the Verafin... 

Fact Sheet

The Power of the Verafin Cloud

Verafin’s secure cloud infrastructure enables technology advancements, superior customer service and application enhancements. Advantages of the Verafin Cloud: Immediate access to new Verafin software  releases/features and...