
Online Account Takeover

Online Account Takeover

Expose unauthorized access to your customers’ online accounts to stop cybercriminals before they attack.

Protect your customers’ online accounts

Online customer accounts are a serious target for sophisticated cybercriminals looking to commit unauthorized transfers and harvest data to perform numerous types of fraud.

Nasdaq Verafin uncovers unusual online activity that indicates a potential account takeover. Customers’ online accounts are analyzed for a wide range of abnormal activity, alerting you in time to prevent loss.



Nasdaq Verafin analyzes your online banking system logs to create a digital fingerprint for each of your customers based on their online account usage. Each customer’s unique online identity consists of numerous factors including IP information, ISP, device used during online session, regular web browser, and more. You are alerted when a session deviates from the fingerprint.


Nasdaq Verafin’s online account takeover alerts include tools for viewing a customer’s online events and visual maps showing the geographic locations of new IP addresses and the customer’s home address. These tools help you determine if the online activity you are investigating was performed by your customer — or a cybercriminal.


As outlined by FinCEN in its 2016 Advisory to Financial Institutions on Cyber-Events and Cyber-Enabled Crime, FI’s are expected to report cyber-events. Nasdaq Verafin’s SAR functionality makes this seamless. Generate an auto-populated SAR directly from a case. Complete your Narrative with the help of the investigative notes and findings you have saved in the case and e-file directly from Nasdaq Verafin to FinCEN.


Catch online account takeover early

Discover potentially compromised online accounts before cybercriminals attack, saving both your customers and institution from losses.

Better IP data = better investigations

Online account takeover alerts in Nasdaq Verafin provide investigators with a wealth of important login and IP information. At a glance you can see the address, geographic location of the IP used to log into the account, the provider, and the level of riskiness associated with that provider. In addition, a customer’s digital fingerprint can be used to enhance investigations into other types of suspicious activity, such as mobile deposit fraud.

See the full picture with multi-channel analysis

Nasdaq Verafin’s multi-channel analytics give you a more complete picture of account activity. Go beyond the analysis of a single channel to uncover a wider range of potentially suspicious activity that would be invisible if relying on a siloed solution.

More Nasdaq Verafin Features

Information Sharing for cyber-related events. Nasdaq Verafin gives you the tools to reach out to other financial institutions to request the information you need to enhance investigations for cyber-enabled crimes. Learn more >
Automated SAR functionality. At the click of a button you can create a pre-populated SAR. Complete your narrative and queue it for overnight electronic submission directly from Nasdaq Verafin to FinCEN. Nasdaq Verafin can also remind you when it is time for 90-day refiling, if the suspicious activity continues. Learn more >
Integrated case management. Integrated case management functionality lets you create a fully audited and tracked investigation. Upload related files, assign tasks to other users, and document your decisions — all in one location. Learn more >
Cross-Channel Fraud Detection. Fraudsters will target every available channel to enrich themselves at your customers’ (and your institution’s) expense. Nasdaq Verafin’s cross-channel analysis generates data-rich alerts that help you proactively detect scams and stop fraud losses from Deposit Fraud, Check Fraud, Card Fraud, Loan Fraud, Wire Fraud, ACH Fraud, and Online Account Takeover. Learn more >

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