
Strengthening Investigations with Counterparty Data

Improve Efficiency & Effectiveness with a Consortium-Based Approach

As criminals grow increasingly sophisticated, financial crime investigators need to understand their customers and the counterparties they interact with. More than ever, financial institutions need data-driven solutions that offer a complete view of customer behavior and transactions to confidently assess risk. Leveraging a consortium approach, Verafin extracts counterparty data from multiple financial systems and resolves this data to provide investigators with a single holistic view of counterparty activity.

In this insightful demonstration, Product Evangelist Corey Lynch illustrates how Verafin presents enriched data from over 300 million counterparties to help you expedite decision making and confidently address truly suspicious activity. You will learn how our approach to managing counterparty data increases the effectiveness of your anti-financial crime program and enables consortium-based collaborative investigations to provide actionable intelligence to law enforcement.

  •   314(b) Information Sharing
  •   BSA/AML Compliance
  •   Cloud Technology
  •   Cross-Institutional AML Analysis