Archived Webinar

2019 Crime Trends & Technology:
A Year in Review

What’s on the Horizon in 2020 for Fraud & BSA/AML?
A Special Presentation by Verafin Industry Experts


You’re invited to a special year-end presentation as industry experts discuss the challenges financial institutions faced in 2019, the trends to watch for in 2020, and the role of technology in helping detect and prevent financial crime.

Highlights of this special presentation:

2019 – A Year in Review: what innovative solutions financial institutions are using to keep a step ahead of industry trends — with a focus on the growing sophistication of fraud schemes, and new approaches to combat complex money laundering scenarios.

2020 – The Look Ahead: what challenges lie ahead for financial institutions, a discussion on emerging financial crime trends, and a look at the role of technology in helping your institution combat crime.


  • Mitigating Risk in BSA/AML: High-Risk Customer Segmentation, Stratification & Surveillance
  • New Fraud Schemes: Emerging Scams Targeting Institutions & Vulnerable Customers
  • Collaboration: Sharing Information to Improve Reporting to Law Enforcement
  • Technology: Using Big Data Analytics, AI, and Machine Learning to Fight Financial Crime
  •   314(b) Information Sharing
  •   Artificial Intelligence
  •   BSA/AML Compliance
  •   CDD/EDD
  •   Fraud
  •   Fraud Scams
  •   High-Risk Customer Management