


Solving Complex Check Fraud with Verafin

Financial institutions need a check fraud solution that is continuously improving. Disparate solutions can be effective for different typologies – but no single approach can tackle all the challenges of check fraud faced by financial institutions today, especially for stolen checks that are washed or altered. Solving these forms of complex check fraud requires a […]


The Scale and Impact of $3 Trillion in Financial Crime

Over $3.1 trillion in illicit funds flowed through the global financial system last year and fraud reached nearly a half a trillion dollars in losses. In this special recording, industry experts Daniel Tannebaum, Oliver Wyman; Timea Nagy, global advocate, Jim Richards of RegTech Consulting join Brendan Brothers, EVP, Nasdaq Anti-Financial Crime and co-Founder of Verafin […]


Canadian Financial Crime Trends & Technology: Year in Review

Evolving fraud threats, AML regulatory considerations and emerging financial crime management innovations have made 2023 a significant year for Canadian financial institutions. With 2024 fast approaching, the new year will bring new challenges and important opportunities for financial institutions from coast to coast. Watch this webinar replay to see Verafin’s Product Expert Bill Heys with […]


Faster Payments: Preparing to Scale and Respond to New Fraud Risks

The faster era of payments is underway, bringing great opportunity with TCH RTP ® and FedNowSM Service, but also significant risk. As these emerging payment rails mature and use cases grow, so too will fraud, and a solution that can scale effectively and efficiently is essential. To adopt these new channels with confidence, financial institutions need an effective, […]


Solving Check Fraud

As check use declines, check fraud is surging. Fraudulent checks are challenging the financial industry, and no single approach can counter the complexities and varieties of check fraud scams.   Verafin improves check fraud detection by combining behavioral evidence with consortium insights. Our approach leverages customer-driven and machine learning analytics with an anonymized consortium data […]


Combating ACH Fraud: Realize A Step Change in Detection

Many financial institutions are challenged by ineffective ACH fraud detection, limited to their own data and with little insight into payee risk. At Verafin, our unique solution provides a step change in prevention and unites financial institutions to fight ACH fraud together. In this session recording — exclusively for executives and c-suite personnel — industry […]


Combating Human Trafficking

By following the money, financial institutions and investigators play a critical role in the fight against human trafficking – helping to uncover the perpetrators and protect victims of this heinous crime. Human trafficking is a complex and challenging problem for investigators to solve. At Verafin, we have worked directly with advocates, investigators, and law enforcement […]


Mitigating and Managing Deposit Fraud Losses

Financial institutions across the country are facing an increasing number of deposit fraud attacks as criminals exploit the anonymity and convenience of ATM and mobile channels. Meanwhile, consumers are increasingly falling victim to fraud scams, which can have significant emotional and financial effects. Leveraging big data intelligence, Verafin applies machine learning and targeted, cross-channel analysis […]