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  •   FRAMLx

  White Paper

Global Criminal Enterprises Pursue the Most Profitable Crime Model in Modern History: Distributing Losses Across the Financial Services Industry

In this thought provoking whitepaper, Chris Swecker, Former Assistant Director FBI, claims that “An honest assessment of the current vulnerabilities of the financial services industry... 

  Feature Sheet

Common Point of Purchase and Cross-Institutional Detection

Criminals are preying on ATMs, gas station pumps and more to steal card information with skimmers and keypad surveillance devices. Losses can be substantial as... 


What is FRAMLx?

Today’s criminals are evading detection by breaking up their illicit activity across multiple institutions. How can a single institution uncover this behavior? FRAMLx can help.... 

  Fact Sheet

Safe and Secure in the Verafin Cloud

Security in the Verafin Cloud The Verafin Cloud is a secure infrastructure for data storage and analysis, which provides convenient, on-demand access to the Verafin... 

  Fact Sheet

The Power of the Verafin Cloud

Verafin’s secure cloud infrastructure enables technology advancements, superior customer service and application enhancements. Advantages of the Verafin Cloud: Immediate access to new Verafin software  releases/features and...