


Verafin’s Consolidated Financial Crime Management Platform

Verafin is the industry’s leading Financial Crime Management platform, trusted by over 600 financial institutions using Jack Henry cores to strengthen compliance and combat evolving financial crimes. Using artificial intelligence and highly-targeted analytical agents, as well as cross-institutional analysis and collaboration through the Cloud, Verafin provides financial institutions with higher-quality alerts, expedites investigations, and drives […]


Verafin’s Consolidated Financial Crime Management Platform

From plotting sophisticated fraud schemes to outsmarting BSA reporting requirements, today’s criminals pose an increasing threat to financial institutions and their customers. Nefarious criminal activities have rendered traditional approaches to financial crime management largely ineffective — institutions must take decisive action with cloud-based solutions that evolve alongside criminal activities and provide holistic, cross-channel insights to […]


Verafin’s Consolidated Financial Crime Management Platform

Verafin is the industry’s leading Financial Crime Management platform, trusted by nearly 170 financial institutions using FIS cores to strengthen compliance and combat evolving financial crimes. Using artificial intelligence and highly-targeted analytical agents, as well as cross-institutional analysis and collaboration through the Cloud, Verafin provides financial institutions with higher-quality alerts, expedites investigations, and provides rich, […]


BSA/AML Compliance and Management

Manual processes, siloed teams and rules-based legacy systems are exacerbating compliance challenges for many institutions across the financial industry. With mounting pressure from sophisticated financial crimes and changing regulatory requirements, managing daily compliance tasks and uncovering suspicious activity without an efficient and effective BSA/AML solution can result in strained compliance programs, increased operational costs, and […]


Human Trafficking Detection with Targeted Analytics

Financial institutions have a critical role to play to uncover human trafficking activity and protect victims of this heinous crime. Verafin’s Financial Crime Management platform incorporates third-party and open-source data to enrich its targeted AML agents, including analysis of millions of adult online advertisements for human trafficking detection. By cross-referencing emails and phone numbers in […]


Automating for Efficiency in your BSA/AML and Fraud Program

The financial industry is growing more and more complex as criminals target institutions with sophisticated schemes and compliance demands evolve. Relying on siloed teams, spreadsheets and core reports is now largely ineffective, leaving financial institutions exposed and at risk of overlooking illegal activities or reporting requirements. To stay ahead of crime and remain competitive in […]


Reduce Losses & Improve Visibility with Consolidated Fraud Detection and Management

Financial institutions are facing significant challenges in combating increasing and ever-changing fraud scams. Using multiple fraud detection systems across siloed fraud and operational teams makes detecting fraudulent activity, managing alert volume and reporting losses extremely challenging and can result in an overall lack of visibility into the full scope of fraud occurring at your institution. […]


Automating for Efficiency in your BSA/AML and Fraud Program

The financial industry is growing more and more complex as criminals target institutions with sophisticated schemes and compliance demands evolve. Relying on siloed teams, spreadsheets and core reports is now largely ineffective, leaving financial institutions exposed and at risk of overlooking illegal activities or reporting requirements. To stay ahead of crime and remain competitive in […]