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  •   Human Trafficking


Combating Human Trafficking: Typologies and Red Flags for Financial Institutions

Human trafficking is a global humanitarian crisis. In 2023, according to the Nasdaq 2024 Global Financial Crime Report, $346.7 billion in illicit funds were linked to this heinous crime — with amounts far greater likely going undetected. Financial institutions... 

Archived Webinar

Combating Human Trafficking: Typologies and Red Flags for Financial Institutions

Originally Presented: July 24, 2024

Human trafficking is a global humanitarian crisis. In 2023, according to the Nasdaq 2024 Global Financial Crime Report, $346.7 billion in illicit funds were linked... 


Fighting Predicate Crimes: A New Vision

July 2, 2024 by Fouad Hassouneh

Last year, $3.1 trillion in illicit funds flowed through the global financial system, fueled by hundreds of billions of dollars generated by predicate crimes, from drug trafficking to human trafficking, terrorist financing and fraud. As this global epidemic of financial... 

Feature Sheet

Targeted Typology Analytics

Detecting predicate crimes for money laundering is highly challenging, and often requires significant time and resources. As investigators contend with overwhelming false positives from conventional... 

Event: Webinar

Transforming Predicate Crime Detection: An Expert Conversation

August 21 at 12:30 PM - 01:30 PM EST

Last year, trillions of dollars in illicit funds flowed through the financial system, fueled by human trafficking, terrorist financing, drug trafficking and fraud. With FinCEN’s... 


Top 3 Threats Facing the Financial System

April 30, 2024 by Nasdaq Verafin

The global financial system is facing prolific and diverse threats from financial crime, driven by illicit fraud and money laundering schemes. In the 2024 Nasdaq Global Financial Crime Report, a survey of 200 industry professionals, along with interviews with senior... 


Funnel Accounts

April 10, 2024 by Nasdaq Verafin

Funnel accounts continue to thrive as criminal organizations leverage the tactic to exploit the U.S. banking system and quickly move money across great distances at minimal cost — all while enabling anonymity for the depositors. Used as a method to... 


Human Trafficking: A Humanitarian Crisis

April 2, 2024 by Nasdaq Verafin

“$350 billion dollars from human trafficking. Imagine how many victims had to suffer — sweat, blood, and tears — for $350 billion dollars.”   – Timea Nagy, Human Trafficking Activist & Survivor  Human trafficking is a global humanitarian crisis. At any... 


Increased Use of Virtual Currency in Human Trafficking

March 5, 2024 by Nasdaq Verafin

Criminals will exploit the most vulnerable in society for significant financial gain. According to Nasdaq’s Global Financial Crime Report, in 2023, $346.7B of illicit funds was linked to human trafficking activity – although this number is likely only a fraction... 


Turning the Tide: Expert Insights on $3.1T in Financial Crime

February 23, 2024 by Nasdaq Verafin

Focusing on striking revelations from the recently released Nasdaq 2024 Global Financial Crime Report, Verafin hosted an expert panel presentation on the implications of over $3.1 trillion in illicit money that flowed through the financial system in 2023.  This special...