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  •   FRAML


Rules vs. Behavior

Verafin analyzes patterns and habits to develop a robust customer profile that helps you detect potential fraud and money laundering more quickly and efficiently than... 

  Job Aid

Preparing for a Successful Exam Checklist

Cramming for any exam is no fun. Nobody wants (or needs) that last minute pressure! Certainly not when examiners are coming onsite in a few... 

  Fact Sheet

Safe and Secure in the Verafin Cloud

Security in the Verafin Cloud The Verafin Cloud is a secure infrastructure for data storage and analysis, which provides convenient, on-demand access to the Verafin... 

  Fact Sheet

The Power of the Verafin Cloud

Verafin’s secure cloud infrastructure enables technology advancements, superior customer service and application enhancements. Advantages of the Verafin Cloud: Immediate access to new Verafin software  releases/features and... 

  Dummies eBook

FRAML for Dummies®

Improve the effectiveness of your institution’s response to financial crime. FRAML is the combination of fraud detection and anti-money laundering (AML) efforts (FRaud detection +... 

  Case Study

A Success Story from a Regional Bank

A Midwestern US Regional Bank  •  Headquarters: Ohio  •  Assets: $9.9B “My favorite aspect of the software is the dashboard. It’s easy to use and... 

  White Paper

Fraud And Money Laundering: Birds of a Feather

Siloed thinking can harm your ability to prevent crime. By exploring the combination of fraud and AML, you can improve your detection abilities and ultimately... 

  Archived Webinar

Fighting Financial Crime: Trends, Challenges and Protecting Your Institution

Originally Presented: March 7, 2013

Financial Institutions across the country are increasingly challenged to protect themselves and their customers from financial crime. This webinar provides a broad based overview of... 

  Feature Sheet

Verafin Financial Crime Management

With fraud and money laundering alerts, end-to-end due diligence solutions, robust case management functionality, automated regulatory reporting, and the ability to share information with other...