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  •   Enterprise Reporting

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Counterparty Resolution Provides a Complete View of Your Customer

December 5, 2022 by Verafin

Fundamentally, AML investigations seek to resolve the question of where money is coming from and where it goes. Examiners strive to identify, evaluate, and report all suspicious activity. The FFIEC’s overview of suspicious activity states a suspicious transaction can include... 

  Product Brochure

Visual Storytelling

Investigating and reporting potentially suspicious activity is a time-consuming requirement fraught with potential error. As workloads and costs increase, and false positives overwhelm already strained... 

  Feature Sheet

Configurable Dashboards

In today’s financial industry, the frenetic pace of evolving trends and regulations are a significant challenge. More than ever, large institutions need streamlined access to... 

  Feature Sheet

Enterprise Reporting & Dashboards

Financial crime management is a fast-paced and challenging environment characterized by evolving criminal trends and shifting regulatory landscapes. Rising to these challenges requires quick and...