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  •   Data Breach

On-Demand Webinar

Synthetic Identity Fraud: Unreal Identities Result in Real Fraud Losses

Originally Presented: February 14, 2019

In this digital age, vast amounts of compromised customer information from data breaches and fraud scams is readily available for purchase on the dark web.... 


Unmasking online account takeover

December 19, 2017 by Nasdaq Verafin

The intersection of fraud and online banking accounts continues to be big business. With our dependence on smart phones and as the Internet continues to seemingly expand into every aspect of our lives, criminals are fashioning masks molded from stolen... 


EMV Transition: Get Ahead of the ATM Liability Shift

July 6, 2016 by Nasdaq Verafin

With the transition to EMV firmly underway in the United States, we thought it would be a good time to discuss progress and the potential impact to your card fraud programs. Liability Shift As of October 2015, Liability Shift (LS)... 

Feature Sheet

Common Point of Purchase and Cross-Institutional Detection

Criminals are preying on ATMs, gas station pumps and more to steal card information with skimmers and keypad surveillance devices. Losses can be substantial as... 

Feature Sheet

Debit Card Fraud

As more consumers use debit cards as a preferred payment method, both personal and card data are reaching unprecedented heights of vulnerability. Nasdaq Verafin’s advanced debit... 


How Do Criminals Get Debit Card Data?

Criminals are more sophisticated than ever before. Global criminal enterprises are executing attacks involving thousands of cards and accessing massive amounts of card data. This...