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  •   BSA/AML Compliance

Event: Demo

BSA/AML Compliance and Management

August 08 at 12:30 PM - 01:30 PM EST

Manual processes, siloed teams and rules-based legacy systems are intensifying compliance challenges for financial institutions. Sophisticated financial crimes and changing regulatory requirements are adding mounting... 


A Complicated Crime

July 4, 2024 by Nasdaq Verafin

Financial crime is a global epidemic – more than $3 trillion in illicit funds and money laundering activity flowed through the financial system in 2023. Predicate crimes are driving much of this activity with fraud being one of the eight... 


Fighting Predicate Crimes: A New Vision

July 2, 2024 by Fouad Hassouneh

Last year, $3.1 trillion in illicit funds flowed through the global financial system, fueled by hundreds of billions of dollars generated by predicate crimes, from drug trafficking to human trafficking, terrorist financing and fraud. As this global epidemic of financial... 

Feature Sheet

Targeted Typology Analytics

Detecting predicate crimes for money laundering is highly challenging, and often requires significant time and resources. As investigators contend with overwhelming false positives from conventional... 

Event: Webinar

Transforming Predicate Crime Detection: An Expert Conversation

August 21 at 12:30 PM - 01:30 PM EST

Last year, trillions of dollars in illicit funds flowed through the financial system, fueled by human trafficking, terrorist financing, drug trafficking and fraud. With FinCEN’s... 


Industry Insights: Addressing Anti-Financial Crime Challenges

May 22, 2024 by Nasdaq Verafin

In today’s financial industry, the fight against financial crime looms large. Financial institutions are contending with a global $3.1 trillion financial crime problem, charged with safeguarding the integrity of the financial system in a landscape fraught with costs, complexities, and... 

Archived Webinar

Innovate with Artificial Intelligence

Originally Presented: May 9, 2024

Artificial intelligence (AI) is a hot topic that has the financial industry buzzing about the possibilities. With criminal activity continually growing and evolving, financial institutions... 


Innovate with Artificial Intelligence

Artificial intelligence (AI) is a hot topic that has the financial industry buzzing about the possibilities. With criminal activity continually growing and evolving, financial institutions... 


Artificial Intelligence: Outsmarting Financial Crime

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is a powerful, dynamic solution that offers benefits to help fight modern financial crime. Financial Institutions are increasingly utilizing AI-driven fraud, money... 


Understanding the Risks that Shape the Financial Landscape

March 27, 2024 by Nasdaq Verafin

The United States is the largest economy in the world, making it a preferred target for money laundering. In the 2024 National Money Laundering Risk Assessment (NMLRA), the Department of the Treasury highlights the numerous risks shaping the financial landscape,...