Sanctions Screening & Management

Sanctions Screening & Management

Reduce false positives, increase efficiency, and strengthen audits and examinations with Nasdaq Verafin’s single, consolidated solution.

A single, consolidated Sanctions Screening and Management solution

Our sanctions solution offers reduced false positive rates with intelligent screening analytics and built-in tools to help you manage your compliance program with ease.

Sanctions compliance and management is a complex and costly problem for financial institutions who risk reputational damage, civil penalties, and unsatisfactory regulatory examinations if they fail to comply. Nasdaq Verafin’s all-in-one solution presents risk-rated evidence in high-quality alerts related to activity with sanctioned entities, regions, and blockchain addresses. Our targeted analytics, automated watchlist updates and integrated case management help your team be more efficient with intelligent screening analytics and purpose-built investigation tools. Manage your program effectively and all in one place with built-in reporting, auditing, and sensitivity testing tools ensuring your institution is compliant.



Using rich, multiple data sources, Nasdaq Verafin employs targeted sanctions screening analytics to enrich evidence and provide high-quality results in a single solution. Our name-matching algorithm provides a near 100% accuracy rate, significantly reducing false positive alerts by narrowing the scope of name matches.  


Strengthen audits & examinations utilizing in-application name sensitivity testing to optimize your alert volumes with a data-driven, risk-based approach to satisfy examiner inquiries. Detailed audit logs, powerful enterprise reporting and dashboard functionality provide a history of scans, alerts and cases related to your sanctions program while automated list updates strengthen your sanctions compliance program.  


Reduced False Positives

By automating due diligence steps from the OFAC Hotline and employing rich data analysis and targeted analytics, Nasdaq Verafin significantly reduces false positives.

Increase Efficiency

Automated evidence gathering and watch list updates deliver high-quality alerts with risk-related evidence, speeding up investigations and strengthening your sanctions compliance program.

Strengthen Audits & Examinations

Nasdaq Verafin’s detailed, built-in auditing and sensitivity testing tools, Enterprise Reporting and Dashboards, and our near 100% name-matching accuracy rate ensures added confidence in your examinations.

More Nasdaq Verafin Features

Integrated Case Management. Integrated Case Management functionality lets you create a fully audited and tracked investigation. Upload related files, assign tasks to other users, and document your decisions — all in one location. Learn More >
Automated SAR Functionality. At the click of a button, you can create a pre-populated SAR. Complete your narrative and queue it for overnight electronic submission directly from Nasdaq Verafin to FinCEN. Nasdaq Verafin can also remind you when it is time for 90-day refiling, if the suspicious activity continues. Learn more >
Robust Auditing & Reporting. Nasdaq Verafin maintains tamper-proof audit trails and logs that capture user activity. With centralized reporting functionality, Nasdaq Verafin lets you create reports and dashboards that contain the information you need to provide required documentation to auditors and examiners. Learn more >

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