
Sanctions Evasion

Red Flags to Assist in Identifying Suspected Sanctions Evasion

Amid the ongoing Russian invasion of Ukraine, financial institutions are facing considerable challenges as bad actors employ tactics and schemes for sanctions evasion. With industry authorities calling for vigilance, recognizing the Red Flags of sanctions evasion attempts is crucial to combating the efforts of corrupt actors seeking to exploit the United States financial system.

This infographic provides a concise overview of the challenges financial institutions face from sanctions evasion, and FinCEN’s Red Flag indicators for suspected sanctions evasion activity, including those related to evasion through the U.S. financial system, convertible virtual currency and/or crypto, and for ransomware attacks and cybercrime.

  •   Beneficial Ownership
  •   BSA/AML Compliance
  •   OFAC/Watch List
  •   Red Flags
  •   Sanctions
  •   Shell Companies

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