Results by Most Recent


A Surge in Scams

Opportunistic criminals are leveraging the COVID-19 pandemic for their gain, preying on heightened consumer fear and anxiety during the crisis. With schemes related to COVID-19... 


Challenges & Change in the COVID-19 Crisis

From remote work to surging first-time online banking users, the COVID-19 pandemic has had a widespread impact on customer behavior and compelled institutions to adopt... 


Applying AI to Fight Crime

More and more financial institutions are leveraging Artificial Intelligence (AI) solutions such as Machine Learning and Robotic Process Automation (RPA) to increase the effectiveness and... 


Check Fraud Challenges

Even with the rise in digital channels, criminals continue to use stolen and counterfeit check schemes to cause financial institutions extensive losses. Not only has... 


Money Services Businesses (MSBs)

Over a quarter of American households use Non-Banking Financial Institutions (NBFIs) such as Money Services Businesses (MSBs) to move money, but banking MSBs can be... 


Managing & Mitigating Risk

Financial institutions are facing significant Customer and Enhanced Due Diligence (CDD/EDD) challenges for higher-risk categories of customers as outlined in the FFIEC BSA/AML Examination Manual.... 


Non-Governmental Organizations & Charities

Though intended to serve the public good, non-governmental organizations and charities (NGOs) have been exploited to raise and move funds by criminal and terrorist organizations.... 


Cannabis-Related Businesses

Cannabis-related businesses (CRBs) have been receiving a lot of attention lately. This growing industry is already worth more than $17 billion in the U.S., with... 


Uncovering Crime Rings in the Cloud

This infographic provides an overview of a real-life crime ring active for more than 8 years, spanning 32 institutions, involving 29 entities, and representing potential...