
Unusual Outgoing Wire – Business Agent

Wire Fraud Detection

With criminal schemes such as Business Email Compromise a growing problem, institutions need enhanced monitoring to prevent serious loss. This short video highlights Verafin’s targeted agent for Unusual Outgoing Wire – Business which gives investigators the ability to review potentially suspicious wires in real-time, alerting you to unusual wire transfers before they are released.

Verafin’s wire fraud agent includes wire payee confidence that utilizes cross-institutional Cloud data to determine if the receiver of an outgoing wire transfer has a trusted history of activity, as well as visual wire details to allow for quick interpretation of the full range of wire transfer information.

  •   314(b) Information Sharing
  •   Business Email Compromise
  •   Cloud Technology
  •   FRAMLx
  •   Fraud
  •   Fraud Scams
  •   Wire Fraud

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