On-Demand Webinar

Transforming Predicate Crime Detection: An Expert Conversation

Originally Presented: August 22, 2024

Last year, trillions of dollars in illicit funds flowed through the financial system, fueled by human trafficking, terrorist financing, drug trafficking and fraud. With FinCEN’s AML/CFT National Priorities stressing the fight again this global threat, effectively detecting and disrupting predicate crimes for money laundering is imperative.

This on-demand Webinar features a special panel discussion on the challenges and opportunities for detecting predicate crimes, the impact of the proposed rulemaking on National Priorities for financial institutions, and opportunities for improved detection using Targeted Typology Analytics – brought to life through real-world examples and live Q&A.

  •   BSA/AML Compliance
  •   Drug Trafficking
  •   Fraud
  •   Human Trafficking
  •   Terrorist Financing

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