White Paper

The Rise of Eurasian Financial Criminal Enterprises: The New Mafia

By Chris Swecker, Financial Crimes Consultant and former Assistant Director, FBI

Chris Swecker (retired Executive Assistant Director, FBI and former Global Security Director, Bank of America) has published an eye-opening white paper on “The New Mafia”, a comprehensive crime business model that dominates the financial landscape.

Highlights include:

  • Characteristics of the “New Mafia”
  • Background information as to how these criminal organizations became so technically savvy and well versed in intelligence “tradecraft”
  • New threats posed by these virtual, viral, and well-networked criminal enterprises
  • The Achilles heel of this new crime model



Chris Swecker
Financial Crimes Consultant and Attorney
Assistant Director, FBI (retired)
former Global Security Director, Bank of America

Chris Swecker has 30 years of experience in law enforcement, national security, legal, and corporate security/risk management. Swecker served 24 years with the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) before retiring as Assistant Director of the FBI’s Criminal Investigative Division. He was responsible for eight FBI divisions including Cyber, Criminal, International Operations, Training, Crisis Management, Operational Technology, Criminal Justice Information and the Law Enforcement Liaison office encompassing more than half of the FBI’s total resources. Swecker also served as the FBI’s On Scene Commander in Iraq in 2003 where he led a team of FBI Agents conducting counter-intelligence and terrorism investigations.

  •   Crime Rings
  •   Cybercrime
  •   Money Laundering

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