Feature Sheet

Counterparty Resolution

Providing Unique Insight Into Counterparties

During an AML investigation, investigators seek to understand the relationships between their customers and the entities they transact with to uncover hidden connections and activity. Without effective Counterparty Resolution, the investigative process into counterparties can be extremely time consuming, often involving manual processes, complex data pipelines, and multiple payment systems.

Leveraging a consortium-based approach, Verafin extracts counterparty data from multiple financial systems and resolves this data to provide investigators with a holistic view of counterparty activity. With robust counterparty investigation tools, enriched counterparty profiles, link charts and a single system of record, our data-driven Counterparty Resolution empowers investigators to confidently assess risk with a complete view of customer behavior and transactions.

  •   Automation
  •   BSA/AML Compliance
  •   FRAML

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